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Refund Policy

Welcome to UnizCampus, your trusted partner in study abroad services. Formerly known as “Eduglobe Studyabroad”, our platform has rebranded to better serve your educational aspirations.  UnizCampus,( “we,” “our,” or “us”) a leading platform for study abroad services, proudly operated by Pre Eduglobe Studyalliance Pvt Ltd, a registered company in India. UnizCampus is dedicated to supporting your journey toward studying abroad with professionalism and care. We understand that circumstances can change, and sometimes a refund may be necessary.

Our Refund Policy outlines the conditions under which refunds may be granted for the various services we offer, including consultation fees, administration fees, and college or university fees. We aim to ensure transparency and fairness in our refund process, reflecting our commitment to customer satisfaction.

Please review our Refund Policy carefully to understand your rights and the procedures for requesting a refund. If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here to help.

  1. Consultation Fees

Consultation fees are charged for the personalized advice and guidance provided by our consultants. Refunds for consultation fees are subject to the following conditions:

  • Refund Request Timing: Refund requests for consultation fees must be submitted within 7 days of the consultation date.
  • Conditions for Refund: Refunds will be granted if the consultation was not conducted as scheduled or if the consultation service was not delivered in accordance with our standards.
  • Non-Refundable Situations: Consultation fees are non-refundable if the service was provided as agreed, and the client chose not to proceed with the recommendations or services.


  1. Administration Fees

Administration fees cover the costs associated with processing applications and other administrative tasks. Refunds for administration fees are subject to the following conditions:

  • Refund Request Timing: Requests for refunds of administration fees must be made before any application or processing work has commenced.
  • Conditions for Refund: Refunds may be granted if the administration services were not initiated or if there was a significant error on our part.
  • Non-Refundable Situations: Administration fees are non-refundable once any processing or administrative work has begun. Refunds will not be initiated or processed if it is discovered that the documentation provided by the student or client is fraudulent, inaccurate, or unverified. This includes but is not limited to false personal details, fake academic records, or misleading information.


Institute Fees or University Refund Policy

At UnizCampus, we are committed to providing a transparent and fair process regarding the refund of institute fees. This policy details the procedures for obtaining refunds in the event of visa denial in accordance with the policies of the respective educational institutions.

  • Visa Refusal and Refund Eligibility: If your visa application is denied, you may be eligible for a refund of the institute fees paid through UnizCampus.The refund process will follow the refund policy of the respective educational institute to which the fees were paid. It is important to review the specific refund policy of the institute to understand their terms and conditions.
  • Documentation Requirements: To initiate a refund request, you must provide us with the official visa refusal notice or letter from the relevant visa authorities. This documentation is required to verify the visa denial and process your refund request. Additionally, you should submit a written refund request to UnizCampus along with any other documents required by the respective institute’s refund policy.
  • Refund Processing Time: Once we receive the necessary documentation and your refund request, we will coordinate with the respective institute to process the refund. The time required to process the refund may vary based on the institute’s policies and procedures. Please allow up to 90 days for the refund to be completed, depending on the institute’s refund processing timeline.
  • Institute-Specific Policies: Each educational institute may have its own refund policy, including conditions under which refunds are granted and any administrative fees that may apply. Refunds are subject to these specific policies. UnizCampus will assist you in understanding and navigating the refund policy of the respective institute, but we are bound by the terms set by the institute.

Refund eligibility:

  • If false or unverified documents are discovered, resulting in visa denial or other issues or during admissions procedure, refunds may not be granted. Institutes typically do not offer refunds in cases where documentation was fraudulent or not properly verified. The respective institute’s refund policy will apply in such cases.
  • Non-Responsibility for Fraudulent Documents: UnizCampus is not responsible for refunds or any consequences arising from fraudulent or unverified documentation submitted by students or clients. It is the responsibility of the student or client to ensure that all submitted documents are accurate and genuine.
  • Institute Policy Compliance: Refunds related to issues of false documentation will be subject to the specific terms and conditions of the respective institute’s refund policy.

UnizCampus Refund Policy: All Fees Non-Refundable

  • Refunds will not be initiated or processed if it is discovered that the documentation provided by the student or client is fraudulent, inaccurate, or unverified. This includes but is not limited to false personal details, fake academic records, or misleading information.
  • In cases where fraudulent activities are detected, UnizCampus reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions. This may include reporting the fraudulent activities to relevant authorities and pursuing legal remedies to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the students and clients to ensure that all documents and information submitted are accurate, truthful, and properly verified. Any discrepancies or false information provided may result in the forfeiture of fees and legal consequences.

Processing Time for Refunds: Refunds will be processed within 90 days of receiving the request, depending on the nature of the fee and the payment method used.

How to Do Refund Requests: All refund requests must be submitted in writing, detailing the reason for the request and any relevant documentation.

Policy Changes: UnizCampus reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and it is your responsibility to review the policy regularly.

Contact Us: If you have any questions regarding our refund policy or need assistance with your refund request, please contact us using the information provided on our website. Our team is here to support you throughout the process and ensure that your concerns are addressed.

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